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Dosing Guide

Dosing Guide

Finding your optimal dose.

Seeing the world through the lens of biological individuality.

If a product is missing information on use or dosage, there are specific reasons for its absence. These are usually products that are not nutritional supplements or have applications that could cause the FDA to reclassify a product as a prescription-only drug, forcing us to remove it from our product line.

Additionally, providing information on using our products to treat specific conditions could cause the FDA to reclassify a product as a prescription-only drug forcing us to remove the product from our product line.

In these instances, the methods used by master healers below will help get you started.

What is a Master Healer?

Throughout my education and travels, I've met many individuals I consider Master healers. However, most would not describe themselves as one. Even the ones who have practiced their art for a lifetime believe they know very little. Amongst the diverse cultures, theories, and beliefs, three characteristics are common among master healers—their gentleness, their process of observation, and their attention to adjusting their protocol and dosages based on the individual's response. Below, you will learn more about applying this same approach to your life.

Nutritional Supplement Companies, The Law, & What We Can't Say.

We're asked regularly, "I have X health concern. What should I take?" Or, "The label doesn't say how much I should take. How much should I take?" "What do you recommend for X health condition?"

Nutritional supplement companies are subject to regular compliance monitoring and enforcement. For most of our high-potency and fine chemical product line, this information must come from independent sources or your own research for us to remain compliant and in business. As much as I would love to help our customers and spend all day bending these rules, we ultimately help more people by staying in business. Whenever possible, we offer suggested use/dosage guidelines for our products. You will find this information on the product page or the product label.

No Instructions?

The FDA scrutinizes companies that sell particular classes of products and aggressively shuts them down if they make the slightest mistake. We can legally sell these products, but only if we refrain from offering any information on their applications.

What I can say.

To help you on your journey, I would like to share the methodology common among the most successful healers, which crosses healing types, styles, cultures, and generations. I call it the Master Method.

Know thy substance.

Learn as much as you can about the character and nature of the product or substance you intend to research/use. You're not looking for a guru to tell you exactly what to do. Be cautious of sources that fit everyone into one dosage box or are focused on unnaturally high doses. Natural substances are not drugs and shouldn't be treated as such. You're looking for information about its character and behavior. Your interest in a subject indicates that you've already encountered some of this information. Be prepared for search engine bias. When conducting searches on search engines, it's important to remember that the information you are looking for may rank low in the results. People sharing your interests may not be experts at ranking on search engines. Small papers, blogs, etc., may only show once you hit pages ten+: scour forums and chat rooms. Alternate search sources may lead to information not found on Google and Bing. Use alternate platforms for your searches: Amazon, YouTube, and social media sites like FaceBook, Instagram, Reddit, Pinterest, or Twitter.

As you sort through what you find, consider each source. Everyone wants to be an expert or an authority on a particular subject. Watch out for overinflated egos and wild claims. I look for overall trends across the different sources I read. Trends are one way that a substance tells its story.

Theory of minimum effective dose.

The minimum effective dose theory appears virtually everywhere. Its principles apply to engineering, agriculture, technology, microscopy, drug research, industrial manufacturing, herbs, and supplements. The theory states that outsizing any one component beyond the capabilities or requirements of the rest of the system is a waste or potentially harmful to the efficiency of the entire process.

The power of balance.

What's the point of having a 900-horsepower engine if the car's drive train can only handle 600? At best, the engine's potential isn't realized, or at worst, the vehicle will rip itself apart from the excess power. Too much fertilizer will kill a plant. Not enough hardener in an epoxy mix, and it won't set properly. Too much, and the epoxy sets too fast or cracks.

The same principle applies to wellness.

Proper therapeutic protocols aim to find the lowest therapeutic dose that aids healing or triggers a self-corrective mechanism. The body has fantastic self-correcting abilities that are infinitely complex. Far more so than we can calculate or determine as optimal in all cases for all people. The theory of biological individuality acknowledges this complexity. To account for it, you need to be open to being flexible and observant. You're looking for the gentlest tool or tools available to unleash that self-corrective potential.

Where to start?

Inventory and document your NOW, everything you can feel, observe, and test. Don't ignore insignificant things, as they may become important later. If writing is difficult, journal your observations using audio or video recordings. Drawing pictures is incredibly helpful, especially if you can't find words to describe what your senses are telling you. Handwriting samples and voice recordings of a standardized phrase can reveal subtle neurological changes. I use the following in written and recorded forms.

How now, brown cow. May the sun and rain feed you well. 77 12345678910 1111 2222 999

The more detailed and precise you can be, the better. If you think this documentation of your observations is unnecessary, please be aware that you will lose important information. Even under ideal conditions, human memory isn't 100% perfect, and it's unreasonable to assume you will remember all the details that could be important. The only way to get around this natural tendency is to make a record that you can refer back to when you are reassessing and making decisions about your next steps.

What you forget about in future inventories is often more important than what you remember.

Building your protocol.

Now that you have your first point of reference, you can start. The best place to start is at the lowest possible point. Every master healer I've ever met applies the principle of low and slow. Master healers don't use powerful leverage points to effect change but employ a principle of minimalism and gentle encouragement over time. Interventions are introduced at low levels, given time to take effect, and then adjusted based on the response.

The stool theory.

How many legs does a stool need to be stable to stand on? Less than three, and it will fall before you have a chance to use it. The theory of three or more says that no one physiological system stands alone and that support across a minimum of three promotes the stability needed for effective healing. Acupuncturists use more than one needle, treat more than one meridian, and frequently include Chinese herbs. Herbalists use more than one herb or vitamin. Massage therapists and physical therapists address more than one muscle.

Naturopaths typically expand the principle to support three physiological systems and include three interventions across three different modalities. Naturopaths are therapeutic generalists who readily integrate any therapeutic they deem most likely to succeed. Their philosophy is characteristically pragmatic, almost to a fault, infuriating purists to no end. They frequently draw upon herbs, vitamins, nutrition, physiotherapies like water, steam, massage, exercise, and energetic therapies like homeopathy, light therapy, acupuncture, or Riki. To name a few of the modalities they'll employ.

The practice of patience.

Time is power. If you are looking for immediate results, you are in for a disappointment. Even simple cuts and scratches take up to a week to fully heal. Logically, the time needed to observe changes can be longer for larger, more complex biological systems. Only allowing a dose or two, a few days, perhaps even a week, is likely insufficient to see changes either way. Cell cultures may only need a few hours or days. Studies involving the entire body will take longer. How long you decide to wait between reassessments depends entirely on the extent and complexity of the subject. I typically allow 2-8 weeks and no longer than 12 weeks. 


The time to reassess depends on many variables. You should reassess when you notice a significant change or when a predetermined time has passed.

1) Document everything again.

2) Minimize bias - NEVER refer to your older notes before documenting your new observations.

3) Compare your notes and write down all the changes. Armed with this information, you're ready for the next step.


A lack of noticeable change doesn't equal failure or that you selected the wrong interventions. Remember, you started low. An over-response isn't a sign of failure either. It's time to start asking questions. Do doses need adjustment? Are the correct systems being supported?

These are questions I can't answer for you. Only you and the experts you employ for guidance can help you. Successful researchers read as much as possible, find communities working on the same problem, and join forums specific to their topic or question. If you are on your own, forums can be an excellent source to bounce ideas off of.


Implementing this process may seem daunting and time-consuming in a modern world that expects definitive answers and instant results. Humans have developed these common traits of observation, support, observation, evaluation, and reassessment for thousands of years. These principles cross every culture, time, and modality. It's innate within us all and, with some practice, will become second nature to your process and not time-consuming tedium.


The information provided is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease, real or imagined. This educational material is intended to aid individuals engaged in research.